###### (This function is part of SDL_mixer, a separate library from SDL.) # Mix_SetReverseStereo Cause a channel to reverse its stereo. ## Header File Defined in SDL_mixer.h ## Syntax ```c int Mix_SetReverseStereo(int channel, int flip); ``` ## Function Parameters | | | | --------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **channel** | The mixer channel to reverse, or [MIX_CHANNEL_POST](MIX_CHANNEL_POST). | | **flip** | non-zero to reverse stereo, zero to disable this effect. | ## Return Value Returns zero if error (no such channel or [Mix_RegisterEffect](Mix_RegisterEffect)() fails), nonzero if reversing effect is enabled. Note that an audio device in mono mode is a no-op, but this call will return successful in that case. Error messages can be retrieved from [Mix_GetError](Mix_GetError)(). ## Remarks This is handy if the user has his speakers hooked up backwards, or you would like to have a trippy sound effect. Calling this function with `flip` set to non-zero reverses the chunks's usual channels. If `flip` is zero, the effect is unregistered. This uses the [Mix_RegisterEffect](Mix_RegisterEffect)() API internally, and thus is probably more CPU intensive than having the user just plug in his speakers correctly. [Mix_SetReverseStereo](Mix_SetReverseStereo)() returns without registering the effect function if the audio device is not configured for stereo output. If you specify [MIX_CHANNEL_POST](MIX_CHANNEL_POST) for `channel`, then this effect is used on the final mixed stream before sending it on to the audio device (a posteffect). Note that unlike most SDL and SDL_mixer functions, this function returns zero if there's an error, not on success. We apologize for the API design inconsistency here. ## Version This function is available since SDL_mixer 2.0.0. ---- [CategoryAPI](CategoryAPI), [CategoryAPIFunction](CategoryAPIFunction)