# CategoryCamera Video capture for the SDL library. This API lets apps read input from video sources, like webcams. Camera devices can be enumerated, queried, and opened. Once opened, it will provide [SDL_Surface](SDL_Surface) objects as new frames of video come in. These surfaces can be uploaded to an [SDL_Texture](SDL_Texture) or processed as pixels in memory. Several platforms will alert the user if an app tries to access a camera, and some will present a UI asking the user if your application should be allowed to obtain images at all, which they can deny. A successfully opened camera will not provide images until permission is granted. Applications, after opening a camera device, can see if they were granted access by either polling with the [SDL_GetCameraPermissionState](SDL_GetCameraPermissionState)() function, or waiting for an [SDL_EVENT_CAMERA_DEVICE_APPROVED](SDL_EVENT_CAMERA_DEVICE_APPROVED) or [SDL_EVENT_CAMERA_DEVICE_DENIED](SDL_EVENT_CAMERA_DEVICE_DENIED) event. Platforms that don't have any user approval process will report approval immediately. Note that SDL cameras only provide video as individual frames; they will not provide full-motion video encoded in a movie file format, although an app is free to encode the acquired frames into any format it likes. It also does not provide audio from the camera hardware through this API; not only do many webcams not have microphones at all, many people--from streamers to people on Zoom calls--will want to use a separate microphone regardless of the camera. In any case, recorded audio will be available through SDL's audio API no matter what hardware provides the microphone. ## Camera gotchas Consumer-level camera hardware tends to take a little while to warm up, once the device has been opened. Generally most camera apps have some sort of UI to take a picture (a button to snap a pic while a preview is showing, some sort of multi-second countdown for the user to pose, like a photo booth), which puts control in the users' hands, or they are intended to stay on for long times (Pokemon Go, etc). It's not uncommon that a newly-opened camera will provide a couple of completely black frames, maybe followed by some under-exposed images. If taking a single frame automatically, or recording video from a camera's input without the user initiating it from a preview, it could be wise to drop the first several frames (if not the first several _seconds_ worth of frames!) before using images from a camera. <!-- END CATEGORY DOCUMENTATION --> ## Functions <!-- DO NOT HAND-EDIT CATEGORY LISTS, THEY ARE AUTOGENERATED AND WILL BE OVERWRITTEN, BASED ON TAGS IN INDIVIDUAL PAGE FOOTERS. EDIT THOSE INSTEAD. --> <!-- BEGIN CATEGORY LIST: CategoryCamera, CategoryAPIFunction --> - [SDL_AcquireCameraFrame](SDL_AcquireCameraFrame) - [SDL_CloseCamera](SDL_CloseCamera) - [SDL_GetCameraDriver](SDL_GetCameraDriver) - [SDL_GetCameraFormat](SDL_GetCameraFormat) - [SDL_GetCameraID](SDL_GetCameraID) - [SDL_GetCameraName](SDL_GetCameraName) - [SDL_GetCameraPermissionState](SDL_GetCameraPermissionState) - [SDL_GetCameraPosition](SDL_GetCameraPosition) - [SDL_GetCameraProperties](SDL_GetCameraProperties) - [SDL_GetCameras](SDL_GetCameras) - [SDL_GetCameraSupportedFormats](SDL_GetCameraSupportedFormats) - [SDL_GetCurrentCameraDriver](SDL_GetCurrentCameraDriver) - [SDL_GetNumCameraDrivers](SDL_GetNumCameraDrivers) - [SDL_OpenCamera](SDL_OpenCamera) - [SDL_ReleaseCameraFrame](SDL_ReleaseCameraFrame) <!-- END CATEGORY LIST --> ## Datatypes <!-- DO NOT HAND-EDIT CATEGORY LISTS, THEY ARE AUTOGENERATED AND WILL BE OVERWRITTEN, BASED ON TAGS IN INDIVIDUAL PAGE FOOTERS. EDIT THOSE INSTEAD. --> <!-- BEGIN CATEGORY LIST: CategoryCamera, CategoryAPIDatatype --> - [SDL_Camera](SDL_Camera) - [SDL_CameraID](SDL_CameraID) <!-- END CATEGORY LIST --> ## Structs <!-- DO NOT HAND-EDIT CATEGORY LISTS, THEY ARE AUTOGENERATED AND WILL BE OVERWRITTEN, BASED ON TAGS IN INDIVIDUAL PAGE FOOTERS. EDIT THOSE INSTEAD. --> <!-- BEGIN CATEGORY LIST: CategoryCamera, CategoryAPIStruct --> - [SDL_CameraSpec](SDL_CameraSpec) <!-- END CATEGORY LIST --> ## Enums <!-- DO NOT HAND-EDIT CATEGORY LISTS, THEY ARE AUTOGENERATED AND WILL BE OVERWRITTEN, BASED ON TAGS IN INDIVIDUAL PAGE FOOTERS. EDIT THOSE INSTEAD. --> <!-- BEGIN CATEGORY LIST: CategoryCamera, CategoryAPIEnum --> - [SDL_CameraPosition](SDL_CameraPosition) <!-- END CATEGORY LIST --> ## Macros <!-- DO NOT HAND-EDIT CATEGORY LISTS, THEY ARE AUTOGENERATED AND WILL BE OVERWRITTEN, BASED ON TAGS IN INDIVIDUAL PAGE FOOTERS. EDIT THOSE INSTEAD. --> <!-- BEGIN CATEGORY LIST: CategoryCamera, CategoryAPIMacro --> - (none.) <!-- END CATEGORY LIST --> ---- [CategoryAPICategory](CategoryAPICategory)