# CategoryIntrinsics SDL does some preprocessor gymnastics to determine if any CPU-specific compiler intrinsics are available, as this is not necessarily an easy thing to calculate, and sometimes depends on quirks of a system, versions of build tools, and other external forces. Apps including SDL's headers will be able to check consistent preprocessor definitions to decide if it's safe to use compiler intrinsics for a specific CPU architecture. This check only tells you that the compiler is capable of using those intrinsics; at runtime, you should still check if they are available on the current system with the [CPU info functions](https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL3/CategoryCPUInfo) , such as [SDL_HasSSE](SDL_HasSSE)() or [SDL_HasNEON](SDL_HasNEON)(). Otherwise, the process might crash for using an unsupported CPU instruction. SDL only sets preprocessor defines for CPU intrinsics if they are supported, so apps should check with `#ifdef` and not `#if`. SDL will also include the appropriate instruction-set-specific support headers, so if SDL decides to define [SDL_SSE2_INTRINSICS](SDL_SSE2_INTRINSICS), it will also `#include <emmintrin.h>` as well. <!-- END CATEGORY DOCUMENTATION --> ## Functions <!-- DO NOT HAND-EDIT CATEGORY LISTS, THEY ARE AUTOGENERATED AND WILL BE OVERWRITTEN, BASED ON TAGS IN INDIVIDUAL PAGE FOOTERS. EDIT THOSE INSTEAD. --> <!-- BEGIN CATEGORY LIST: CategoryIntrinsics, CategoryAPIFunction --> - (none.) <!-- END CATEGORY LIST --> ## Datatypes <!-- DO NOT HAND-EDIT CATEGORY LISTS, THEY ARE AUTOGENERATED AND WILL BE OVERWRITTEN, BASED ON TAGS IN INDIVIDUAL PAGE FOOTERS. EDIT THOSE INSTEAD. --> <!-- BEGIN CATEGORY LIST: CategoryIntrinsics, CategoryAPIDatatype --> - (none.) <!-- END CATEGORY LIST --> ## Structs <!-- DO NOT HAND-EDIT CATEGORY LISTS, THEY ARE AUTOGENERATED AND WILL BE OVERWRITTEN, BASED ON TAGS IN INDIVIDUAL PAGE FOOTERS. EDIT THOSE INSTEAD. --> <!-- BEGIN CATEGORY LIST: CategoryIntrinsics, CategoryAPIStruct --> - (none.) <!-- END CATEGORY LIST --> ## Enums <!-- DO NOT HAND-EDIT CATEGORY LISTS, THEY ARE AUTOGENERATED AND WILL BE OVERWRITTEN, BASED ON TAGS IN INDIVIDUAL PAGE FOOTERS. EDIT THOSE INSTEAD. --> <!-- BEGIN CATEGORY LIST: CategoryIntrinsics, CategoryAPIEnum --> - (none.) <!-- END CATEGORY LIST --> ## Macros <!-- DO NOT HAND-EDIT CATEGORY LISTS, THEY ARE AUTOGENERATED AND WILL BE OVERWRITTEN, BASED ON TAGS IN INDIVIDUAL PAGE FOOTERS. EDIT THOSE INSTEAD. --> <!-- BEGIN CATEGORY LIST: CategoryIntrinsics, CategoryAPIMacro --> - [SDL_ALTIVEC_INTRINSICS](SDL_ALTIVEC_INTRINSICS) - [SDL_AVX2_INTRINSICS](SDL_AVX2_INTRINSICS) - [SDL_AVX512F_INTRINSICS](SDL_AVX512F_INTRINSICS) - [SDL_AVX_INTRINSICS](SDL_AVX_INTRINSICS) - [SDL_LASX_INTRINSICS](SDL_LASX_INTRINSICS) - [SDL_LSX_INTRINSICS](SDL_LSX_INTRINSICS) - [SDL_MMX_INTRINSICS](SDL_MMX_INTRINSICS) - [SDL_NEON_INTRINSICS](SDL_NEON_INTRINSICS) - [SDL_SSE2_INTRINSICS](SDL_SSE2_INTRINSICS) - [SDL_SSE3_INTRINSICS](SDL_SSE3_INTRINSICS) - [SDL_SSE4_1_INTRINSICS](SDL_SSE4_1_INTRINSICS) - [SDL_SSE4_2_INTRINSICS](SDL_SSE4_2_INTRINSICS) - [SDL_SSE_INTRINSICS](SDL_SSE_INTRINSICS) - [SDL_TARGETING](SDL_TARGETING) <!-- END CATEGORY LIST --> ---- [CategoryAPICategory](CategoryAPICategory)