###### (This is the documentation for SDL3, which is under heavy development and the API is changing! [SDL2](https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL2/) is the current stable version!) # SDL_AssertData Information about an assertion failure. ## Header File Defined in [](https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL/blob/main/include/SDL3/SDL_assert.h) ## Syntax ```c typedef struct SDL_AssertData { SDL_bool always_ignore; /**< SDL_TRUE if app should always continue when assertion is triggered. */ unsigned int trigger_count; /**< Number of times this assertion has been triggered. */ const char *condition; /**< A string of this assert's test code. */ const char *filename; /**< The source file where this assert lives. */ int linenum; /**< The line in `filename` where this assert lives. */ const char *function; /**< The name of the function where this assert lives. */ const struct SDL_AssertData *next; /**< next item in the linked list. */ } SDL_AssertData; ``` ## Remarks This structure is filled in with information about a triggered assertion, used by the assertion handler, then added to the assertion report. This is returned as a linked list from [SDL_GetAssertionReport](SDL_GetAssertionReport)(). ## Version This struct is available since SDL 3.0.0. ---- [CategoryAPI](CategoryAPI), [CategoryAPIStruct](CategoryAPIStruct), [CategoryAssert](CategoryAssert)