###### (This is the documentation for SDL3, which is under heavy development and the API is changing! [SDL2](https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL2/) is the current stable version!) # SDL_GPUVertexBufferDescription A structure specifying the parameters of vertex buffers used in a graphics pipeline. ## Header File Defined in [](https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL/blob/main/include/SDL3/SDL_gpu.h) ## Syntax ```c typedef struct SDL_GPUVertexBufferDescription { Uint32 slot; /**< The binding slot of the vertex buffer. */ Uint32 pitch; /**< The byte pitch between consecutive elements of the vertex buffer. */ SDL_GPUVertexInputRate input_rate; /**< Whether attribute addressing is a function of the vertex index or instance index. */ Uint32 instance_step_rate; /**< The number of instances to draw using the same per-instance data before advancing in the instance buffer by one element. Ignored unless input_rate is SDL_GPU_VERTEXINPUTRATE_INSTANCE */ } SDL_GPUVertexBufferDescription; ``` ## Remarks When you call [SDL_BindGPUVertexBuffers](SDL_BindGPUVertexBuffers), you specify the binding slots of the vertex buffers. For example if you called [SDL_BindGPUVertexBuffers](SDL_BindGPUVertexBuffers) with a first_slot of 2 and num_bindings of 3, the binding slots 2, 3, 4 would be used by the vertex buffers you pass in. Vertex attributes are linked to buffers via the buffer_slot field of [SDL_GPUVertexAttribute](SDL_GPUVertexAttribute). For example, if an attribute has a buffer_slot of 0, then that attribute belongs to the vertex buffer bound at slot 0. ## Version This struct is available since SDL 3.0.0 ## See Also - [SDL_GPUVertexAttribute](SDL_GPUVertexAttribute) - [SDL_GPUVertexInputState](SDL_GPUVertexInputState) ---- [CategoryAPI](CategoryAPI), [CategoryAPIStruct](CategoryAPIStruct), [CategoryGPU](CategoryGPU)