###### (This is the documentation for SDL3, which is under heavy development and the API is changing! [SDL2](https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL2/) is the current stable version!) # SDL_WindowsMessageHook A callback to be used with [SDL_SetWindowsMessageHook](SDL_SetWindowsMessageHook). ## Header File Defined in [](https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL/blob/main/include/SDL3/SDL_system.h) ## Syntax ```c typedef SDL_bool (SDLCALL *SDL_WindowsMessageHook)(void *userdata, MSG *msg); ``` ## Function Parameters | | | | ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **userdata** | the app-defined pointer provided to [SDL_SetWindowsMessageHook](SDL_SetWindowsMessageHook). | | **msg** | a pointer to a Win32 event structure to process. | ## Return Value Returns [SDL_TRUE](SDL_TRUE) to let event continue on, [SDL_FALSE](SDL_FALSE) to drop it. ## Remarks This callback may modify the message, and should return [SDL_TRUE](SDL_TRUE) if the message should continue to be processed, or [SDL_FALSE](SDL_FALSE) to prevent further processing. As this is processing a message directly from the Windows event loop, this callback should do the minimum required work and return quickly. ## Thread Safety This may only be called (by SDL) from the thread handling the Windows event loop. ## Version This datatype is available since SDL 3.0.0. ## Code Examples ```c #if defined(SDL_PLATFORM_WIN32) || defined(SDL_PLATFORM_GDK) SDL_bool MyMessageHook(void *userdata, MSG *msg) { // do things with userdata and msg... return SDL_TRUE; // let SDL continue processing the message } // ... SDL_SetWindowsMessageHook(MyMessageHook, NULL); #endif ``` ## See Also - [SDL_SetWindowsMessageHook](SDL_SetWindowsMessageHook) - [SDL_HINT_WINDOWS_ENABLE_MESSAGELOOP](SDL_HINT_WINDOWS_ENABLE_MESSAGELOOP) ---- [CategoryAPI](CategoryAPI), [CategoryAPIDatatype](CategoryAPIDatatype), [CategorySystem](CategorySystem)