PSP ====== SDL2 port for the Sony PSP contributed by: - Captian Lex - Francisco Javier Trujillo Mata - Wouter Wijsman Credit to Marcus R.Brown,Jim Paris,Matthew H for the original SDL 1.2 for PSP Geecko for his PSP GU lib "Glib2d" ## Building To build SDL2 library for the PSP, make sure you have the latest PSPDev status and run: ```bash cmake -S. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$PSPDEV/psp/share/pspdev.cmake cmake --build build cmake --install build ``` ## Getting PSP Dev [Installing PSP Dev]( ## Running on PPSSPP Emulator [PPSSPP]( [Build Instructions]( ## Compiling a HelloWorld [PSP Hello World]( ## To Do - PSP Screen Keyboard - Dialogs