###### (This is the legacy documentation for SDL2, the previous stable version; [SDL3](https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL3/) is the current stable version.)

A variable describing the content orientation on QtWayland-based platforms.

## Header File

Defined in [SDL_hints.h](https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL/blob/SDL2/include/SDL_hints.h)

## Syntax


## Remarks

On QtWayland platforms, windows are rotated client-side to allow for custom
transitions. In order to correctly position overlays (e.g. volume bar) and
gestures (e.g. events view, close/minimize gestures), the system needs to
know in which orientation the application is currently drawing its

This does not cause the window to be rotated or resized, the application
needs to take care of drawing the content in the right orientation (the
framebuffer is always in portrait mode).

This variable can be one of the following values:

- "primary" (default)
- "portrait"
- "landscape"
- "inverted-portrait"
- "inverted-landscape"

Since SDL 2.0.22 this variable accepts a comma-separated list of values

[CategoryAPI](CategoryAPI), [CategoryAPIMacro](CategoryAPIMacro), [CategoryHints](CategoryHints)