###### (This function is part of SDL_ttf, a separate library from SDL.) # TTF_CloseFont Dispose of a previously-created font. ## Header File Defined in [](https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL_ttf/blob/SDL2/include/SDL_ttf.h) ## Syntax ```c void TTF_CloseFont(TTF_Font *font); ``` ## Function Parameters | | | | | ---------------------- | -------- | ----------------------- | | [TTF_Font](TTF_Font) * | **font** | the font to dispose of. | ## Remarks Call this when done with a font. This function will free any resources associated with it. It is safe to call this function on NULL, for example on the result of a failed call to [TTF_OpenFont](TTF_OpenFont)(). The font is not valid after being passed to this function. String pointers from functions that return information on this font, such as [TTF_FontFaceFamilyName](TTF_FontFaceFamilyName)() and [TTF_FontFaceStyleName](TTF_FontFaceStyleName)(), are no longer valid after this call, as well. ## Version This function is available since SDL_ttf 2.0.12. ## See Also - [TTF_OpenFont](TTF_OpenFont) - [TTF_OpenFontIndexDPIRW](TTF_OpenFontIndexDPIRW) - [TTF_OpenFontRW](TTF_OpenFontRW) - [TTF_OpenFontDPI](TTF_OpenFontDPI) - [TTF_OpenFontDPIRW](TTF_OpenFontDPIRW) - [TTF_OpenFontIndex](TTF_OpenFontIndex) - [TTF_OpenFontIndexDPI](TTF_OpenFontIndexDPI) - [TTF_OpenFontIndexDPIRW](TTF_OpenFontIndexDPIRW) - [TTF_OpenFontIndexRW](TTF_OpenFontIndexRW) ---- [CategoryAPI](CategoryAPI), [CategoryAPIFunction](CategoryAPIFunction)