# SDL_BeginGPURenderPass Begins a render pass on a command buffer. ## Header File Defined in [<SDL3/SDL_gpu.h>](https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL/blob/main/include/SDL3/SDL_gpu.h) ## Syntax ```c SDL_GPURenderPass * SDL_BeginGPURenderPass( SDL_GPUCommandBuffer *command_buffer, const SDL_GPUColorTargetInfo *color_target_infos, Uint32 num_color_targets, const SDL_GPUDepthStencilTargetInfo *depth_stencil_target_info); ``` ## Function Parameters | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | [SDL_GPUCommandBuffer](SDL_GPUCommandBuffer) * | **command_buffer** | a command buffer. | | const [SDL_GPUColorTargetInfo](SDL_GPUColorTargetInfo) * | **color_target_infos** | an array of texture subresources with corresponding clear values and load/store ops. | | [Uint32](Uint32) | **num_color_targets** | the number of color targets in the color_target_infos array. | | const [SDL_GPUDepthStencilTargetInfo](SDL_GPUDepthStencilTargetInfo) * | **depth_stencil_target_info** | a texture subresource with corresponding clear value and load/store ops, may be NULL. | ## Return Value ([SDL_GPURenderPass](SDL_GPURenderPass) *) Returns a render pass handle. ## Remarks A render pass consists of a set of texture subresources (or depth slices in the 3D texture case) which will be rendered to during the render pass, along with corresponding clear values and load/store operations. All operations related to graphics pipelines must take place inside of a render pass. A default viewport and scissor state are automatically set when this is called. You cannot begin another render pass, or begin a compute pass or copy pass until you have ended the render pass. ## Version This function is available since SDL 3.2.0. ## See Also - [SDL_EndGPURenderPass](SDL_EndGPURenderPass) ## D3D12 Warnings On D3D12 with [debug_mode](SDL_CreateGPUDevice#function-parameters) enabled, when clearing a color texture or depth/stencil texture, you may see a `CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE` or `CLEARDEPTHSTENCILVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE` warning at runtime like: > D3D12 WARNING: ... The clear values do not match those passed to resource > creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will > still clear to the desired value. You can avoid these warnings by, when creating the texture, setting the relevant properties below, in the `props` of your [SDL_GPUTextureCreateInfo](SDL_GPUTextureCreateInfo), to the same clear color/depth/stencil value that you use in your render pass. For the color texture: - [SDL_PROP_GPU_TEXTURE_CREATE_D3D12_CLEAR_R_FLOAT](SDL_PROP_GPU_TEXTURE_CREATE_D3D12_CLEAR_R_FLOAT): the red channel of the clear color - [SDL_PROP_GPU_TEXTURE_CREATE_D3D12_CLEAR_G_FLOAT](SDL_PROP_GPU_TEXTURE_CREATE_D3D12_CLEAR_G_FLOAT): the green channel of the clear color - [SDL_PROP_GPU_TEXTURE_CREATE_D3D12_CLEAR_B_FLOAT](SDL_PROP_GPU_TEXTURE_CREATE_D3D12_CLEAR_B_FLOAT): the blue channel of the clear color - [SDL_PROP_GPU_TEXTURE_CREATE_D3D12_CLEAR_A_FLOAT](SDL_PROP_GPU_TEXTURE_CREATE_D3D12_CLEAR_A_FLOAT): the alpha channel of the clear color For the depth/stencil texture: - [SDL_PROP_GPU_TEXTURE_CREATE_D3D12_CLEAR_DEPTH_FLOAT](SDL_PROP_GPU_TEXTURE_CREATE_D3D12_CLEAR_DEPTH_FLOAT): the depth clear value - [SDL_PROP_GPU_TEXTURE_CREATE_D3D12_CLEAR_STENCIL_UINT8](SDL_PROP_GPU_TEXTURE_CREATE_D3D12_CLEAR_STENCIL_UINT8): the stencil clear value ---- [CategoryAPI](CategoryAPI), [CategoryAPIFunction](CategoryAPIFunction), [CategoryGPU](CategoryGPU)