# SDL_DisplayMode

The structure that defines a display mode.

## Header File

Defined in [<SDL3/SDL_video.h>](https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL/blob/main/include/SDL3/SDL_video.h)

## Syntax

typedef struct SDL_DisplayMode
    SDL_DisplayID displayID;        /**< the display this mode is associated with */
    SDL_PixelFormat format;         /**< pixel format */
    int w;                          /**< width */
    int h;                          /**< height */
    float pixel_density;            /**< scale converting size to pixels (e.g. a 1920x1080 mode with 2.0 scale would have 3840x2160 pixels) */
    float refresh_rate;             /**< refresh rate (or 0.0f for unspecified) */
    int refresh_rate_numerator;     /**< precise refresh rate numerator (or 0 for unspecified) */
    int refresh_rate_denominator;   /**< precise refresh rate denominator */

    SDL_DisplayModeData *internal;  /**< Private */

} SDL_DisplayMode;

## Version

This struct is available since SDL 3.2.0.

## See Also

- [SDL_GetFullscreenDisplayModes](SDL_GetFullscreenDisplayModes)
- [SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode](SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode)
- [SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode](SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode)
- [SDL_SetWindowFullscreenMode](SDL_SetWindowFullscreenMode)
- [SDL_GetWindowFullscreenMode](SDL_GetWindowFullscreenMode)

[CategoryAPI](CategoryAPI), [CategoryAPIStruct](CategoryAPIStruct), [CategoryVideo](CategoryVideo)