# SDL_GPUDepthStencilTargetInfo A structure specifying the parameters of a depth-stencil target used by a render pass. ## Header File Defined in [<SDL3/SDL_gpu.h>](https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL/blob/main/include/SDL3/SDL_gpu.h) ## Syntax ```c typedef struct SDL_GPUDepthStencilTargetInfo { SDL_GPUTexture *texture; /**< The texture that will be used as the depth stencil target by the render pass. */ float clear_depth; /**< The value to clear the depth component to at the beginning of the render pass. Ignored if SDL_GPU_LOADOP_CLEAR is not used. */ SDL_GPULoadOp load_op; /**< What is done with the depth contents at the beginning of the render pass. */ SDL_GPUStoreOp store_op; /**< What is done with the depth results of the render pass. */ SDL_GPULoadOp stencil_load_op; /**< What is done with the stencil contents at the beginning of the render pass. */ SDL_GPUStoreOp stencil_store_op; /**< What is done with the stencil results of the render pass. */ bool cycle; /**< true cycles the texture if the texture is bound and any load ops are not LOAD */ Uint8 clear_stencil; /**< The value to clear the stencil component to at the beginning of the render pass. Ignored if SDL_GPU_LOADOP_CLEAR is not used. */ Uint8 padding1; Uint8 padding2; } SDL_GPUDepthStencilTargetInfo; ``` ## Remarks The load_op field determines what is done with the depth contents of the texture at the beginning of the render pass. - LOAD: Loads the depth values currently in the texture. - CLEAR: Clears the texture to a single depth. - DONT_CARE: The driver will do whatever it wants with the memory. This is a good option if you know that every single pixel will be touched in the render pass. The store_op field determines what is done with the depth results of the render pass. - STORE: Stores the depth results in the texture. - DONT_CARE: The driver will do whatever it wants with the depth results. This is often a good option for depth/stencil textures that don't need to be reused again. The stencil_load_op field determines what is done with the stencil contents of the texture at the beginning of the render pass. - LOAD: Loads the stencil values currently in the texture. - CLEAR: Clears the stencil values to a single value. - DONT_CARE: The driver will do whatever it wants with the memory. This is a good option if you know that every single pixel will be touched in the render pass. The stencil_store_op field determines what is done with the stencil results of the render pass. - STORE: Stores the stencil results in the texture. - DONT_CARE: The driver will do whatever it wants with the stencil results. This is often a good option for depth/stencil textures that don't need to be reused again. Note that depth/stencil targets do not support multisample resolves. ## Version This struct is available since SDL 3.2.0. ## See Also - [SDL_BeginGPURenderPass](SDL_BeginGPURenderPass) ---- [CategoryAPI](CategoryAPI), [CategoryAPIStruct](CategoryAPIStruct), [CategoryGPU](CategoryGPU)