# SDL_Vulkan_GetVkGetInstanceProcAddr

Get the address of the `vkGetInstanceProcAddr` function.

## Header File

Defined in [<SDL3/SDL_vulkan.h>](https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL/blob/main/include/SDL3/SDL_vulkan.h)

## Syntax

SDL_FunctionPointer SDL_Vulkan_GetVkGetInstanceProcAddr(void);

## Return Value

([SDL_FunctionPointer](SDL_FunctionPointer)) Returns the function pointer
for `vkGetInstanceProcAddr` or NULL on failure; call
[SDL_GetError](SDL_GetError)() for more information.

## Remarks

This should be called after either calling
[SDL_Vulkan_LoadLibrary](SDL_Vulkan_LoadLibrary)() or creating an

The actual type of the returned function pointer is
PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr, but that isn't available because the Vulkan
headers are not included here. You should cast the return value of this
function to that type, e.g.

`vkGetInstanceProcAddr =

## Version

This function is available since SDL 3.2.0.

[CategoryAPI](CategoryAPI), [CategoryAPIFunction](CategoryAPIFunction), [CategoryVulkan](CategoryVulkan)