###### (This function is part of SDL_image, a separate library from SDL.) # IMG_LoadAnimation_IO Load an animation from an SDL_IOStream. ## Header File Defined in SDL_image.h ## Syntax ```c IMG_Animation * IMG_LoadAnimation_IO(SDL_IOStream *src, SDL_bool closeio); ``` ## Function Parameters | | | | --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **src** | an SDL_IOStream that data will be read from. | | **closeio** | SDL_TRUE to close/free the SDL_IOStream before returning, SDL_FALSE to leave it open. | ## Return Value Returns a new [IMG_Animation](IMG_Animation), or NULL on error. ## Remarks If `closeio` is SDL_TRUE, `src` will be closed before returning, whether this function succeeds or not. SDL_image reads everything it needs from `src` during this call in any case. When done with the returned animation, the app should dispose of it with a call to [IMG_FreeAnimation](IMG_FreeAnimation)(). ## Version This function is available since SDL_image 3.0.0. ## See Also - [IMG_FreeAnimation](IMG_FreeAnimation) ---- [CategoryAPI](CategoryAPI), [CategoryAPIFunction](CategoryAPIFunction)