###### (This function is part of SDL_mixer, a separate library from SDL.) # Mix_FreeMusic Free a music object. ## Header File Defined in SDL_mixer.h ## Syntax ```c void Mix_FreeMusic(Mix_Music *music); ``` ## Function Parameters | | | | ------------- | ------------------------- | | **music** | the music object to free. | ## Remarks If this music is currently playing, it will be stopped. If this music is in the process of fading out (via [Mix_FadeOutMusic](Mix_FadeOutMusic)()), this function will *block* until the fade completes. If you need to avoid this, be sure to call [Mix_HaltMusic](Mix_HaltMusic)() before freeing the music. ## Version This function is available since SDL_mixer 3.0.0. ## See Also * [Mix_LoadMUS](Mix_LoadMUS) * [Mix_LoadMUS_IO](Mix_LoadMUS_IO) * [Mix_LoadMUSType_IO](Mix_LoadMUSType_IO) ---- [CategoryAPI](CategoryAPI), [CategoryAPIFunction](CategoryAPIFunction)