###### (This function is part of SDL_mixer, a separate library from SDL.) # Mix_PlayChannel Play an audio chunk on a specific channel. ## Header File Defined in [<SDL3_mixer/SDL_mixer.h>](https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL_mixer/blob/main/include/SDL3_mixer/SDL_mixer.h) ## Syntax ```c int Mix_PlayChannel(int channel, Mix_Chunk *chunk, int loops); ``` ## Function Parameters | | | | | ------------------------ | ----------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | int | **channel** | the channel on which to play the new chunk. | | [Mix_Chunk](Mix_Chunk) * | **chunk** | the new chunk to play. | | int | **loops** | the number of times the chunk should loop, -1 to loop (not actually) infinitely. | ## Return Value (int) Returns which channel was used to play the sound, or -1 if sound could not be played. ## Remarks If the specified channel is -1, play on the first free channel (and return -1 without playing anything new if no free channel was available). If a specific channel was requested, and there is a chunk already playing there, that chunk will be halted and the new chunk will take its place. If `loops` is greater than zero, loop the sound that many times. If `loops` is -1, loop "infinitely" (~65000 times). Note that before SDL_mixer 3.0.0, this function was a macro that called [Mix_PlayChannelTimed](Mix_PlayChannelTimed)() with a fourth parameter ("ticks") of -1. This function still does the same thing, but promotes it to a proper API function. Older binaries linked against a newer SDL_mixer will still call [Mix_PlayChannelTimed](Mix_PlayChannelTimed) directly, as they are using the macro, which was available since the dawn of time. ## Version This function is available since SDL_mixer 3.0.0 ---- [CategoryAPI](CategoryAPI), [CategoryAPIFunction](CategoryAPIFunction), [CategorySDLMixer](CategorySDLMixer)