###### (This function is part of SDL_ttf, a separate library from SDL.)
# TTF_ClearFallbackFonts

Remove all fallback fonts.

## Header File

Defined in [<SDL3_ttf/SDL_ttf.h>](https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL_ttf/blob/main/include/SDL3_ttf/SDL_ttf.h)

## Syntax

void TTF_ClearFallbackFonts(TTF_Font *font);

## Function Parameters

|                        |          |                     |
| ---------------------- | -------- | ------------------- |
| [TTF_Font](TTF_Font) * | **font** | the font to modify. |

## Remarks

This updates any [TTF_Text](TTF_Text) objects using this font.

## Thread Safety

This function should be called on the thread that created the font.

## Version

This function is available since SDL_ttf 3.0.0.

## See Also

- [TTF_AddFallbackFont](TTF_AddFallbackFont)
- [TTF_RemoveFallbackFont](TTF_RemoveFallbackFont)

[CategoryAPI](CategoryAPI), [CategoryAPIFunction](CategoryAPIFunction), [CategorySDLTTF](CategorySDLTTF)