SDL Wiki
(This is the legacy documentation for SDL2, the previous stable version; SDL3 is the current stable version.)


The flags on a window

Header File

Defined in SDL_video.h


typedef enum SDL_WindowFlags
    SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN = 0x00000001,         /**< fullscreen window */
    SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL = 0x00000002,             /**< window usable with OpenGL context */
    SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN = 0x00000004,              /**< window is visible */
    SDL_WINDOW_HIDDEN = 0x00000008,             /**< window is not visible */
    SDL_WINDOW_BORDERLESS = 0x00000010,         /**< no window decoration */
    SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE = 0x00000020,          /**< window can be resized */
    SDL_WINDOW_MINIMIZED = 0x00000040,          /**< window is minimized */
    SDL_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED = 0x00000080,          /**< window is maximized */
    SDL_WINDOW_MOUSE_GRABBED = 0x00000100,      /**< window has grabbed mouse input */
    SDL_WINDOW_INPUT_FOCUS = 0x00000200,        /**< window has input focus */
    SDL_WINDOW_MOUSE_FOCUS = 0x00000400,        /**< window has mouse focus */
    SDL_WINDOW_FOREIGN = 0x00000800,            /**< window not created by SDL */
    SDL_WINDOW_ALLOW_HIGHDPI = 0x00002000,      /**< window should be created in high-DPI mode if supported.
                                                     On macOS NSHighResolutionCapable must be set true in the
                                                     application's Info.plist for this to have any effect. */
    SDL_WINDOW_MOUSE_CAPTURE    = 0x00004000,   /**< window has mouse captured (unrelated to MOUSE_GRABBED) */
    SDL_WINDOW_ALWAYS_ON_TOP    = 0x00008000,   /**< window should always be above others */
    SDL_WINDOW_SKIP_TASKBAR     = 0x00010000,   /**< window should not be added to the taskbar */
    SDL_WINDOW_UTILITY          = 0x00020000,   /**< window should be treated as a utility window */
    SDL_WINDOW_TOOLTIP          = 0x00040000,   /**< window should be treated as a tooltip */
    SDL_WINDOW_POPUP_MENU       = 0x00080000,   /**< window should be treated as a popup menu */
    SDL_WINDOW_KEYBOARD_GRABBED = 0x00100000,   /**< window has grabbed keyboard input */
    SDL_WINDOW_VULKAN           = 0x10000000,   /**< window usable for Vulkan surface */
    SDL_WINDOW_METAL            = 0x20000000,   /**< window usable for Metal view */

} SDL_WindowFlags;

See Also

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIEnum, CategoryVideo

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