SDL Wiki
(This is the documentation for SDL3, which is under heavy development and the API is changing! SDL2 is the current stable version!)


Blits from a source texture region to a destination texture region.

Header File

Defined in <SDL3/SDL_gpu.h>


void SDL_BlitGPU(
    SDL_GPUCommandBuffer *commandBuffer,
    SDL_GPUBlitRegion *source,
    SDL_GPUBlitRegion *destination,
    SDL_FlipMode flipMode,
    SDL_GPUFilter filterMode,
    bool cycle);

Function Parameters

SDL_GPUCommandBuffer * commandBuffer a command buffer.
SDL_GPUBlitRegion * source the texture region to copy from.
SDL_GPUBlitRegion * destination the texture region to copy to.
SDL_FlipMode flipMode the flip mode for the source texture region.
SDL_GPUFilter filterMode the filter mode that will be used when blitting.
bool cycle if true, cycles the destination texture if the destination texture is bound, otherwise overwrites the data.


This function must not be called inside of any pass.


This function is available since SDL 3.0.0.

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIFunction, CategoryGPU

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