A structure specifying the parameters of the graphics pipeline depth stencil state.
Defined in <SDL3/SDL_gpu.h>
typedef struct SDL_GPUDepthStencilState
{/**< The comparison operator used for depth testing. */
SDL_GPUCompareOp compare_op; /**< The stencil op state for back-facing triangles. */
SDL_GPUStencilOpState back_stencil_state; /**< The stencil op state for front-facing triangles. */
SDL_GPUStencilOpState front_stencil_state; /**< Selects the bits of the stencil values participating in the stencil test. */
Uint8 compare_mask; /**< Selects the bits of the stencil values updated by the stencil test. */
Uint8 write_mask; bool enable_depth_test; /**< true enables the depth test. */
bool enable_depth_write; /**< true enables depth writes. Depth writes are always disabled when enable_depth_test is false. */
bool enable_stencil_test; /**< true enables the stencil test. */
Uint8 padding1;
Uint8 padding2;
Uint8 padding3; } SDL_GPUDepthStencilState;
This struct is available since SDL 3.2.0.