SDL Wiki
(This is the documentation for SDL3, which is under heavy development and the API is changing! SDL2 is the current stable version!)


Pen axis indices.

Header File

Defined in <SDL3/SDL_pen.h>


typedef enum SDL_PenAxis
    SDL_PEN_AXIS_PRESSURE,  /**< Pen pressure.  Unidirectional: 0 to 1.0 */
    SDL_PEN_AXIS_XTILT,     /**< Pen horizontal tilt angle.  Bidirectional: -90.0 to 90.0 (left-to-right).
                                 The physical max/min tilt may be smaller than -90.0 / 90.0, check SDL_PenCapabilityInfo */
    SDL_PEN_AXIS_YTILT,     /**< Pen vertical tilt angle.  Bidirectional: -90.0 to 90.0 (top-to-down).
                                 The physical max/min tilt may be smaller than -90.0 / 90.0 check SDL_PenCapabilityInfo */
    SDL_PEN_AXIS_DISTANCE,  /**< Pen distance to drawing surface.  Unidirectional: 0.0 to 1.0 */
    SDL_PEN_AXIS_ROTATION,  /**< Pen barrel rotation.  Bidirectional: -180 to 179.9 (clockwise, 0 is facing up, -180.0 is facing down). */
    SDL_PEN_AXIS_SLIDER,    /**< Pen finger wheel or slider (e.g., Airbrush Pen).  Unidirectional: 0 to 1.0 */
    SDL_PEN_AXIS_TANGENTIAL_PRESSURE,    /**< Pressure from squeezing the pen ("barrel pressure"). */
    SDL_PEN_AXIS_COUNT       /**< Total known pen axis types in this version of SDL. This number may grow in future releases! */
} SDL_PenAxis;


These are the valid values for the axis field in SDL_PenAxisEvent. All axes are either normalised to 0..1 or report a (positive or negative) angle in degrees, with 0.0 representing the centre. Not all pens/backends support all axes: unsupported axes are always zero.

To convert angles for tilt and rotation into vector representation, use SDL_sinf on the XTILT, YTILT, or ROTATION component, for example:

SDL_sinf(xtilt * SDL_PI_F / 180.0).


This enum is available since SDL 3.0.0

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIEnum, CategoryPen

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