SDL Wiki
(This is the documentation for SDL3, which is under heavy development and the API is changing! SDL2 is the current stable version!)


The different sensors defined by SDL.

Header File

Defined in <SDL3/SDL_sensor.h>


typedef enum SDL_SensorType
    SDL_SENSOR_INVALID = -1,    /**< Returned for an invalid sensor */
    SDL_SENSOR_UNKNOWN,         /**< Unknown sensor type */
    SDL_SENSOR_ACCEL,           /**< Accelerometer */
    SDL_SENSOR_GYRO,            /**< Gyroscope */
    SDL_SENSOR_ACCEL_L,         /**< Accelerometer for left Joy-Con controller and Wii nunchuk */
    SDL_SENSOR_GYRO_L,          /**< Gyroscope for left Joy-Con controller */
    SDL_SENSOR_ACCEL_R,         /**< Accelerometer for right Joy-Con controller */
    SDL_SENSOR_GYRO_R           /**< Gyroscope for right Joy-Con controller */
} SDL_SensorType;


Additional sensors may be available, using platform dependent semantics.

Here are the additional Android sensors:

Accelerometer sensor notes:

The accelerometer returns the current acceleration in SI meters per second squared. This measurement includes the force of gravity, so a device at rest will have an value of SDL_STANDARD_GRAVITY away from the center of the earth, which is a positive Y value.

For phones and tablets held in natural orientation and game controllers held in front of you, the axes are defined as follows:

The accelerometer axis data is not changed when the device is rotated.

Gyroscope sensor notes:

The gyroscope returns the current rate of rotation in radians per second. The rotation is positive in the counter-clockwise direction. That is, an observer looking from a positive location on one of the axes would see positive rotation on that axis when it appeared to be rotating counter-clockwise.

For phones and tablets held in natural orientation and game controllers held in front of you, the axes are defined as follows:

The gyroscope axis data is not changed when the device is rotated.


This enum is available since SDL 3.0.0.

See Also

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIEnum

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