SDL Wiki


Text input type.

Header File

Defined in <SDL3/SDL_keyboard.h>


typedef enum SDL_TextInputType
    SDL_TEXTINPUT_TYPE_TEXT,                        /**< The input is text */
    SDL_TEXTINPUT_TYPE_TEXT_NAME,                   /**< The input is a person's name */
    SDL_TEXTINPUT_TYPE_TEXT_EMAIL,                  /**< The input is an e-mail address */
    SDL_TEXTINPUT_TYPE_TEXT_USERNAME,               /**< The input is a username */
    SDL_TEXTINPUT_TYPE_TEXT_PASSWORD_HIDDEN,        /**< The input is a secure password that is hidden */
    SDL_TEXTINPUT_TYPE_TEXT_PASSWORD_VISIBLE,       /**< The input is a secure password that is visible */
    SDL_TEXTINPUT_TYPE_NUMBER,                      /**< The input is a number */
    SDL_TEXTINPUT_TYPE_NUMBER_PASSWORD_HIDDEN,      /**< The input is a secure PIN that is hidden */
    SDL_TEXTINPUT_TYPE_NUMBER_PASSWORD_VISIBLE      /**< The input is a secure PIN that is visible */
} SDL_TextInputType;


These are the valid values for SDL_PROP_TEXTINPUT_TYPE_NUMBER. Not every value is valid on every platform, but where a value isn't supported, a reasonable fallback will be used.


This enum is available since SDL 3.2.0.

See Also

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIEnum, CategoryKeyboard

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