SDL Wiki


A user-defined event type (event.user.*)

Header File

Defined in <SDL3/SDL_events.h>


typedef struct SDL_UserEvent
    Uint32 type;        /**< SDL_EVENT_USER through SDL_EVENT_LAST-1, Uint32 because these are not in the SDL_EventType enumeration */
    Uint32 reserved;
    Uint64 timestamp;   /**< In nanoseconds, populated using SDL_GetTicksNS() */
    SDL_WindowID windowID; /**< The associated window if any */
    Sint32 code;        /**< User defined event code */
    void *data1;        /**< User defined data pointer */
    void *data2;        /**< User defined data pointer */
} SDL_UserEvent;


This event is unique; it is never created by SDL, but only by the application. The event can be pushed onto the event queue using SDL_PushEvent(). The contents of the structure members are completely up to the programmer; the only requirement is that '''type''' is a value obtained from SDL_RegisterEvents().


This struct is available since SDL 3.2.0.

Code Examples

extern Sint32 my_event_code;
extern void *significant_data;
extern void *some_other_data;

const Uint32 myEventType = SDL_RegisterEvents(1);
if (myEventType != 0) {
    SDL_Event event;
    event.type = myEventType;
    event.user.code = my_event_code;
    event.user.data1 = significant_data;
    event.user.data2 = some_other_data;

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIStruct, CategoryEvents

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