SDL Wiki


Macro that annotates a vararg function that operates like wprintf.

Header File

Defined in <SDL3/SDL_stdinc.h>


#define SDL_WPRINTF_VARARG_FUNC( fmtargnumber ) /* __attribute__ (( format( __wprintf__, fmtargnumber, fmtargnumber+1 ))) */


If we were to annotate fwprintf:

int fwprintf(FILE *f, const wchar_t *fmt, ...) SDL_WPRINTF_VARARG_FUNC(2);

This notes that the second parameter should be a wprintf-style format wide string, followed by .... The compiler or other analysis tools can warn when this doesn't appear to be the case.

On compilers without this annotation mechanism, this is defined to nothing.

This can (and should) be used with SDL_PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING as well, which between them will cover at least Visual Studio, GCC, and Clang.


This macro is available since SDL 3.2.0.

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIMacro, CategoryStdinc

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