SDL2 Wiki


Get the output size in pixels of a rendering context.

Header File

Defined in SDL_render.h


int SDL_GetRendererOutputSize(SDL_Renderer * renderer,
                              int *w, int *h);

Function Parameters

SDL_Renderer * renderer the rendering context.
int * w an int filled with the width.
int * h an int filled with the height.

Return Value

(int) Returns 0 on success or a negative error code on failure; call SDL_GetError() for more information.


Due to high-dpi displays, you might end up with a rendering context that has more pixels than the window that contains it, so use this instead of SDL_GetWindowSize() to decide how much drawing area you have.


This function is available since SDL 2.0.0.

See Also

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIFunction, CategoryRender

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