SDL2 Wiki
(This function is part of SDL_image, a separate library from SDL.)


Load an SVG image, scaled to a specific size.

Header File

Defined in <SDL_image.h>


SDL_Surface * IMG_LoadSizedSVG_RW(SDL_RWops *src, int width, int height);

Function Parameters

SDL_RWops * src an SDL_RWops to load SVG data from.
int width desired width of the generated surface, in pixels.
int height desired height of the generated surface, in pixels.

Return Value

(SDL_Surface *) Returns a new SDL surface, or NULL on error.


Since SVG files are resolution-independent, you specify the size you would like the output image to be and it will be generated at those dimensions.

Either width or height may be 0 and the image will be auto-sized to preserve aspect ratio.

When done with the returned surface, the app should dispose of it with a call to SDL_FreeSurface().


This function is available since SDL_image 2.6.0.

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIFunction

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