SDL Wiki

FAQ: Licensing

What license does SDL use?

As of SDL 2.0, the software is freely available under the terms of the zlib license.

You can read the detailed license text at

Can I use SDL in a commercial application?


SDL can be freely used in commercial applications either as a static library or as a shared library (recommended!)

Can I use SDL in an embedded application?


There are no restrictions on using SDL in an embedded environment.

If I use SDL, do I owe any licensing fees or royalties?


You may use SDL completely free of charge.

Can I use code from the test directory? From the examples?

Yes, code from the test directory and from the examples in the documentation is placed in the public domain. Anyone can use it for any purpose.

Which license is the SDL3 Wiki is released under?

The wiki content is under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.

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