SDL Wiki


A macro to insert a CPU-specific "pause" instruction into the program.

Header File

Defined in <SDL3/SDL_atomic.h>


#define SDL_CPUPauseInstruction() DoACPUPauseInACompilerAndArchitectureSpecificWay


This can be useful in busy-wait loops, as it serves as a hint to the CPU as to the program's intent; some CPUs can use this to do more efficient processing. On some platforms, this doesn't do anything, so using this macro might just be a harmless no-op.

Note that if you are busy-waiting, there are often more-efficient approaches with other synchronization primitives: mutexes, semaphores, condition variables, etc.

Thread Safety

This macro is safe to use from any thread.


This macro is available since SDL 3.2.0.

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIMacro, CategoryAtomic

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