SDL Wiki


Create a new process.

Header File

Defined in <SDL3/SDL_process.h>


SDL_Process * SDL_CreateProcess(const char * const *args, bool pipe_stdio);

Function Parameters

const char * const * args the path and arguments for the new process.
bool pipe_stdio true to create pipes to the process's standard input and from the process's standard output, false for the process to have no input and inherit the application's standard output.

Return Value

(SDL_Process *) Returns the newly created and running process, or NULL if the process couldn't be created.


The path to the executable is supplied in args[0]. args[1..N] are additional arguments passed on the command line of the new process, and the argument list should be terminated with a NULL, e.g.:

const char *args[] = { "myprogram", "argument", NULL };

Setting pipe_stdio to true is equivalent to setting SDL_PROP_PROCESS_CREATE_STDIN_NUMBER and SDL_PROP_PROCESS_CREATE_STDOUT_NUMBER to SDL_PROCESS_STDIO_APP, and will allow the use of SDL_ReadProcess() or SDL_GetProcessInput() and SDL_GetProcessOutput().

See SDL_CreateProcessWithProperties() for more details.

Thread Safety

It is safe to call this function from any thread.


This function is available since SDL 3.2.0.

See Also

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIFunction, CategoryProcess

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