SDL Wiki
(This is the documentation for SDL3, which is under heavy development and the API is changing! SDL2 is the current stable version!)


Enumeration of valid key mods (possibly OR'd together).

Header File

Defined in <SDL3/SDL_keycode.h>


typedef enum SDL_Keymod
    SDL_KMOD_NONE = 0x0000,    /**< no modifier is applicable. */
    SDL_KMOD_LSHIFT = 0x0001,  /**< the left Shift key is down. */
    SDL_KMOD_RSHIFT = 0x0002,  /**< the right Shift key is down. */
    SDL_KMOD_LCTRL = 0x0040,   /**< the left Ctrl (Control) key is down. */
    SDL_KMOD_RCTRL = 0x0080,   /**< the right Ctrl (Control) key is down. */
    SDL_KMOD_LALT = 0x0100,    /**< the left Alt key is down. */
    SDL_KMOD_RALT = 0x0200,    /**< the right Alt key is down. */
    SDL_KMOD_LGUI = 0x0400,    /**< the left GUI key (often the Windows key) is down. */
    SDL_KMOD_RGUI = 0x0800,    /**< the right GUI key (often the Windows key) is down. */
    SDL_KMOD_NUM = 0x1000,     /**< the Num Lock key (may be located on an extended keypad) is down. */
    SDL_KMOD_CAPS = 0x2000,    /**< the Caps Lock key is down. */
    SDL_KMOD_MODE = 0x4000,    /**< the !AltGr key is down. */
    SDL_KMOD_SCROLL = 0x8000,  /**< the Scoll Lock key is down. */

    SDL_KMOD_CTRL = SDL_KMOD_LCTRL | SDL_KMOD_RCTRL,    /**< Any Ctrl key is down. */
    SDL_KMOD_SHIFT = SDL_KMOD_LSHIFT | SDL_KMOD_RSHIFT, /**< Any Shift key is down. */
    SDL_KMOD_ALT = SDL_KMOD_LALT | SDL_KMOD_RALT,       /**< Any Alt key is down. */
    SDL_KMOD_GUI = SDL_KMOD_LGUI | SDL_KMOD_RGUI,       /**< Any GUI key is down. */
} SDL_Keymod;


This enum is available since SDL 3.0.0.

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIEnum

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