SDL Wiki
(This is the documentation for SDL3, which is under heavy development and the API is changing! SDL2 is the current stable version!)


Pressure-sensitive pen touched or stopped touching surface (event.ptip.*)

Header File

Defined in <SDL3/SDL_events.h>


typedef struct SDL_PenTipEvent
    SDL_EventType type;     /**< ::SDL_EVENT_PEN_DOWN or ::SDL_EVENT_PEN_UP */
    Uint32 reserved;
    Uint64 timestamp;       /**< In nanoseconds, populated using SDL_GetTicksNS() */
    SDL_WindowID windowID;  /**< The window with pen focus, if any */
    SDL_PenID which;        /**< The pen instance id */
    Uint8 tip;              /**< ::SDL_PEN_TIP_INK when using a regular pen tip, or ::SDL_PEN_TIP_ERASER if the pen is being used as an eraser (e.g., flipped to use the eraser tip)  */
    Uint8 state;            /**< ::SDL_PRESSED on ::SDL_EVENT_PEN_DOWN and ::SDL_RELEASED on ::SDL_EVENT_PEN_UP */
    Uint16 pen_state;       /**< Pen button masks (where SDL_BUTTON(1) is the first button, SDL_BUTTON(2) is the second button etc.), ::SDL_PEN_DOWN_MASK is set if the pen is touching the surface, and ::SDL_PEN_ERASER_MASK is set if the pen is (used as) an eraser. */
    float x;                /**< X coordinate, relative to window */
    float y;                /**< Y coordinate, relative to window */
    float axes[SDL_PEN_NUM_AXES];   /**< Pen axes such as pressure and tilt (ordered as per ::SDL_PenAxis) */
} SDL_PenTipEvent;


This struct is available since SDL 3.0.0.

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIStruct

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