SDL Wiki


The basic state for the system's power supply.

Header File

Defined in <SDL3/SDL_power.h>


typedef enum SDL_PowerState
    SDL_POWERSTATE_ERROR = -1,   /**< error determining power status */
    SDL_POWERSTATE_UNKNOWN,      /**< cannot determine power status */
    SDL_POWERSTATE_ON_BATTERY,   /**< Not plugged in, running on the battery */
    SDL_POWERSTATE_NO_BATTERY,   /**< Plugged in, no battery available */
    SDL_POWERSTATE_CHARGING,     /**< Plugged in, charging battery */
    SDL_POWERSTATE_CHARGED       /**< Plugged in, battery charged */
} SDL_PowerState;


These are results returned by SDL_GetPowerInfo().


This enum is available since SDL 3.2.0.

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIEnum, CategoryPower

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