SDL Wiki
(This is the documentation for SDL3, which is the current stable version. SDL2 was the previous version!)


The structure that describes a virtual joystick.

Header File

Defined in <SDL3/SDL_joystick.h>


typedef struct SDL_VirtualJoystickDesc
    Uint32 version;     /**< the version of this interface */
    Uint16 type;        /**< `SDL_JoystickType` */
    Uint16 padding;     /**< unused */
    Uint16 vendor_id;   /**< the USB vendor ID of this joystick */
    Uint16 product_id;  /**< the USB product ID of this joystick */
    Uint16 naxes;       /**< the number of axes on this joystick */
    Uint16 nbuttons;    /**< the number of buttons on this joystick */
    Uint16 nballs;      /**< the number of balls on this joystick */
    Uint16 nhats;       /**< the number of hats on this joystick */
    Uint16 ntouchpads;  /**< the number of touchpads on this joystick, requires `touchpads` to point at valid descriptions */
    Uint16 nsensors;    /**< the number of sensors on this joystick, requires `sensors` to point at valid descriptions */
    Uint16 padding2[2]; /**< unused */
    Uint32 button_mask; /**< A mask of which buttons are valid for this controller
                             e.g. (1 << SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_SOUTH) */
    Uint32 axis_mask;   /**< A mask of which axes are valid for this controller
                             e.g. (1 << SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFTX) */
    const char *name;   /**< the name of the joystick */
    const SDL_VirtualJoystickTouchpadDesc *touchpads;   /**< A pointer to an array of touchpad descriptions, required if `ntouchpads` is > 0 */
    const SDL_VirtualJoystickSensorDesc *sensors;       /**< A pointer to an array of sensor descriptions, required if `nsensors` is > 0 */

    void *userdata;     /**< User data pointer passed to callbacks */
    void (SDLCALL *Update)(void *userdata); /**< Called when the joystick state should be updated */
    void (SDLCALL *SetPlayerIndex)(void *userdata, int player_index); /**< Called when the player index is set */
    bool (SDLCALL *Rumble)(void *userdata, Uint16 low_frequency_rumble, Uint16 high_frequency_rumble); /**< Implements SDL_RumbleJoystick() */
    bool (SDLCALL *RumbleTriggers)(void *userdata, Uint16 left_rumble, Uint16 right_rumble); /**< Implements SDL_RumbleJoystickTriggers() */
    bool (SDLCALL *SetLED)(void *userdata, Uint8 red, Uint8 green, Uint8 blue); /**< Implements SDL_SetJoystickLED() */
    bool (SDLCALL *SendEffect)(void *userdata, const void *data, int size); /**< Implements SDL_SendJoystickEffect() */
    bool (SDLCALL *SetSensorsEnabled)(void *userdata, bool enabled); /**< Implements SDL_SetGamepadSensorEnabled() */
    void (SDLCALL *Cleanup)(void *userdata); /**< Cleans up the userdata when the joystick is detached */
} SDL_VirtualJoystickDesc;


This structure should be initialized using SDL_INIT_INTERFACE(). All elements of this structure are optional.


This struct is available since SDL 3.1.3.

See Also

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIStruct, CategoryJoystick

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