###### (This function is part of SDL_image, a separate library from SDL.) # IMG_LoadTexture_RW Load an image from an SDL data source into a GPU texture. ## Syntax ```c SDL_Texture * IMG_LoadTexture_RW(SDL_Renderer *renderer, SDL_RWops *src, SDL_bool freesrc); ``` ## Function Parameters | | | | ---------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **renderer** | the SDL_Renderer to use to create the GPU texture. | | **src** | an SDL_RWops that data will be read from. | | **freesrc** | SDL_TRUE to close/free the SDL_RWops before returning, SDL_FALSE to leave it open. | ## Return Value Returns a new texture, or NULL on error. ## Remarks An SDL_Texture represents an image in GPU memory, usable by SDL's 2D Render API. This can be significantly more efficient than using a CPU-bound SDL_Surface if you don't need to manipulate the image directly after loading it. If the loaded image has transparency or a colorkey, a texture with an alpha channel will be created. Otherwise, SDL_image will attempt to create an SDL_Texture in the most format that most reasonably represents the image data (but in many cases, this will just end up being 32-bit RGB or 32-bit RGBA). If `freesrc` is SDL_TRUE, the RWops will be closed before returning, whether this function succeeds or not. SDL_image reads everything it needs from the RWops during this call in any case. There is a separate function to read files from disk without having to deal with SDL_RWops: `IMG_LoadTexture(renderer, "filename.jpg")` will call this function and manage those details for you, determining the file type from the filename's extension. There is also [IMG_LoadTextureTyped_RW](IMG_LoadTextureTyped_RW)(), which is equivalent to this function except a file extension (like "BMP", "JPG", etc) can be specified, in case SDL_image cannot autodetect the file format. If you would rather decode an image to an SDL_Surface (a buffer of pixels in CPU memory), call [IMG_Load](IMG_Load)() instead. When done with the returned texture, the app should dispose of it with a call to SDL_DestroyTexture(). ## Version This function is available since SDL_image 3.0.0. ## Related Functions * [IMG_LoadTexture](IMG_LoadTexture) * [IMG_LoadTextureTyped_RW](IMG_LoadTextureTyped_RW) * [SDL_DestroyTexture](SDL_DestroyTexture) ---- [CategoryAPI](CategoryAPI)