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// SDL3_mixer API Quick Reference
// https://libsdl.org/
// The latest version of this document can be found at https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL3_mixer/QuickReference
// Based on SDL_mixer version 3.0.0
// This can be useful in an IDE with search and syntax highlighting.
// Original idea for this document came from Dan Bechard (thanks!)
// ASCII art generated by: https://patorjk.com/software/taag/#p=display&f=ANSI%20Shadow (with modified 'S' for readability)
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#define SDL_MIXER_MAJOR_VERSION // Printable format: "%d.%d.%d", MAJOR, MINOR, MICRO
#define SDL_MIXER_VERSION // This is the version number macro for the current SDL_mixer version.
#define SDL_MIXER_VERSION_ATLEAST(X, Y, Z) // This macro will evaluate to true if compiled with SDL_mixer at least X.Y.Z.
int Mix_Version(void); // This function gets the version of the dynamically linked SDL_mixer library.
// Initialize SDL_mixer.
MIX_InitFlags Mix_Init(MIX_InitFlags flags); void Mix_Quit(void); // Deinitialize SDL_mixer.
bool Mix_OpenAudio(SDL_AudioDeviceID devid, const SDL_AudioSpec *spec); // Open an audio device for playback.
void Mix_PauseAudio(int pause_on); // Suspend or resume the whole audio output.
bool Mix_QuerySpec(int *frequency, SDL_AudioFormat *format, int *channels); // Find out what the actual audio device parameters are.
int Mix_AllocateChannels(int numchans); // Dynamically change the number of channels managed by the mixer.
bool closeio); // Load a supported audio format into a chunk.
Mix_Chunk * Mix_LoadWAV_IO(SDL_IOStream *src, const char *file); // Load a supported audio format into a chunk.
Mix_Chunk * Mix_LoadWAV(const char *file); // Load a supported audio format into a music object.
Mix_Music * Mix_LoadMUS(bool closeio); // Load a supported audio format into a music object.
Mix_Music * Mix_LoadMUS_IO(SDL_IOStream *src, bool closeio); // Load an audio format into a music object, assuming a specific format.
Mix_Music * Mix_LoadMUSType_IO(SDL_IOStream *src, Mix_MusicType type, // Load a WAV file from memory as quickly as possible.
Mix_Chunk * Mix_QuickLoad_WAV(Uint8 *mem); // Load a raw audio data from memory as quickly as possible.
Mix_Chunk * Mix_QuickLoad_RAW(Uint8 *mem, Uint32 len); void Mix_FreeChunk(Mix_Chunk *chunk); // Free an audio chunk.
void Mix_FreeMusic(Mix_Music *music); // Free a music object.
int Mix_GetNumChunkDecoders(void); // Get a list of chunk decoders that this build of SDL_mixer provides.
const char * Mix_GetChunkDecoder(int index); // Get a chunk decoder's name.
bool Mix_HasChunkDecoder(const char *name); // Check if a chunk decoder is available by name.
int Mix_GetNumMusicDecoders(void); // Get a list of music decoders that this build of SDL_mixer provides.
const char * Mix_GetMusicDecoder(int index); // Get a music decoder's name.
bool Mix_HasMusicDecoder(const char *name); // Check if a music decoder is available by name.
const Mix_Music *music); // Find out the format of a mixer music.
Mix_MusicType Mix_GetMusicType(const char * Mix_GetMusicTitle(const Mix_Music *music); // Get the title for a music object, or its filename.
const char * Mix_GetMusicTitleTag(const Mix_Music *music); // Get the title for a music object.
const char * Mix_GetMusicArtistTag(const Mix_Music *music); // Get the artist name for a music object.
const char * Mix_GetMusicAlbumTag(const Mix_Music *music); // Get the album name for a music object.
const char * Mix_GetMusicCopyrightTag(const Mix_Music *music); // Get the copyright text for a music object.
void Mix_SetPostMix(Mix_MixCallback mix_func, void *arg); // Set a function that is called after all mixing is performed.
void Mix_HookMusic(Mix_MixCallback mix_func, void *arg); // Add your own music player or additional mixer function.
void Mix_HookMusicFinished(Mix_MusicFinishedCallback music_finished); // Set a callback that runs when a music object has stopped playing.
void * Mix_GetMusicHookData(void); // Get a pointer to the user data for the current music hook.
void Mix_ChannelFinished(Mix_ChannelFinishedCallback channel_finished); // Set a callback that runs when a channel has finished playing.
#define MIX_CHANNEL_POST // Magic number for effects to operate on the postmix instead of a channel.
bool Mix_RegisterEffect(int chan, Mix_EffectFunc_t f, Mix_EffectDone_t d, void *arg); // Register a special effect function.
bool Mix_UnregisterEffect(int channel, Mix_EffectFunc_t f); // Explicitly unregister a special effect function.
bool Mix_UnregisterAllEffects(int channel); // Explicitly unregister all special effect functions.
#define MIX_EFFECTSMAXSPEED // Environment variable that makes some mixing effects favor speed over quality.
bool Mix_SetPanning(int channel, Uint8 left, Uint8 right); // Set the panning of a channel.
bool Mix_SetPosition(int channel, Sint16 angle, Uint8 distance); // Set the position of a channel.
bool Mix_SetDistance(int channel, Uint8 distance); // Set the "distance" of a channel.
bool Mix_SetReverseStereo(int channel, int flip); // Cause a channel to reverse its stereo.
int Mix_ReserveChannels(int num); // Reserve the first channels for the application.
bool Mix_GroupChannel(int which, int tag); // Assign a tag to a channel.
bool Mix_GroupChannels(int from, int to, int tag); // Assign several consecutive channels to the same tag.
int Mix_GroupAvailable(int tag); // Finds the first available channel in a group of channels.
int Mix_GroupCount(int tag); // Returns the number of channels in a group.
int Mix_GroupOldest(int tag); // Find the "oldest" sample playing in a group of channels.
int Mix_GroupNewer(int tag); // Find the "most recent" sample playing in a group of channels.
int Mix_PlayChannel(int channel, Mix_Chunk *chunk, int loops); // Play an audio chunk on a specific channel.
int Mix_PlayChannelTimed(int channel, Mix_Chunk *chunk, int loops, int ticks); // Play an audio chunk on a specific channel for a maximum time.
bool Mix_PlayMusic(Mix_Music *music, int loops); // Play a new music object.
bool Mix_FadeInMusic(Mix_Music *music, int loops, int ms); // Play a new music object, fading in the audio.
bool Mix_FadeInMusicPos(Mix_Music *music, int loops, int ms, double position); // Play a new music object, fading in the audio, from a starting position.
int Mix_FadeInChannel(int channel, Mix_Chunk *chunk, int loops, int ms); // Play an audio chunk on a specific channel, fading in the audio.
int Mix_FadeInChannelTimed(int channel, Mix_Chunk *chunk, int loops, int ms, int ticks); // Play an audio chunk on a specific channel, fading in the audio, for a maximum time.
int Mix_Volume(int channel, int volume); // Set the volume for a specific channel.
int Mix_VolumeChunk(Mix_Chunk *chunk, int volume); // Set the volume for a specific chunk.
int Mix_VolumeMusic(int volume); // Set the volume for the music channel.
int Mix_GetMusicVolume(Mix_Music *music); // Query the current volume value for a music object.
int Mix_MasterVolume(int volume); // Set the master volume for all channels.
void Mix_HaltChannel(int channel); // Halt playing of a particular channel.
void Mix_HaltGroup(int tag); // Halt playing of a group of channels by arbitrary tag.
void Mix_HaltMusic(void); // Halt playing of the music stream.
int Mix_ExpireChannel(int channel, int ticks); // Change the expiration delay for a particular channel.
int Mix_FadeOutChannel(int which, int ms); // Halt a channel after fading it out for a specified time.
int Mix_FadeOutGroup(int tag, int ms); // Halt a playing group of channels by arbitrary tag, after fading them out for a specified time.
bool Mix_FadeOutMusic(int ms); // Halt the music stream after fading it out for a specified time.
void); // Query the fading status of the music stream.
Mix_Fading Mix_FadingMusic(int which); // Query the fading status of a channel.
Mix_Fading Mix_FadingChannel(void Mix_Pause(int channel); // Pause a particular channel.
void Mix_PauseGroup(int tag); // Pause playing of a group of channels by arbitrary tag.
void Mix_Resume(int channel); // Resume a particular channel.
void Mix_ResumeGroup(int tag); // Resume playing of a group of channels by arbitrary tag.
int Mix_Paused(int channel); // Query whether a particular channel is paused.
void Mix_PauseMusic(void); // Pause the music stream.
void Mix_ResumeMusic(void); // Resume the music stream.
void Mix_RewindMusic(void); // Rewind the music stream.
bool Mix_PausedMusic(void); // Query whether the music stream is paused.
bool Mix_ModMusicJumpToOrder(int order); // Jump to a given order in mod music.
bool Mix_StartTrack(Mix_Music *music, int track); // Start a track in music object.
int Mix_GetNumTracks(Mix_Music *music); // Get number of tracks in music object.
bool Mix_SetMusicPosition(double position); // Set the current position in the music stream, in seconds.
double Mix_GetMusicPosition(Mix_Music *music); // Get the time current position of music stream, in seconds.
double Mix_MusicDuration(Mix_Music *music); // Get a music object's duration, in seconds.
double Mix_GetMusicLoopStartTime(Mix_Music *music); // Get the loop start time position of music stream, in seconds.
double Mix_GetMusicLoopEndTime(Mix_Music *music); // Get the loop end time position of music stream, in seconds.
double Mix_GetMusicLoopLengthTime(Mix_Music *music); // Get the loop time length of music stream, in seconds.
int Mix_Playing(int channel); // Check the playing status of a specific channel.
bool Mix_PlayingMusic(void); // Check the playing status of the music stream.
bool Mix_SetSoundFonts(const char *paths); // Set SoundFonts paths to use by supported MIDI backends.
const char * Mix_GetSoundFonts(void); // Get SoundFonts paths to use by supported MIDI backends.
bool Mix_EachSoundFont(Mix_EachSoundFontCallback function, void *data); // Iterate SoundFonts paths to use by supported MIDI backends.
bool Mix_SetTimidityCfg(const char *path); // Set full path of the Timidity config file.
const char * Mix_GetTimidityCfg(void); // Get full path of a previously-specified Timidity config file.
int channel); // Get the Mix_Chunk currently associated with a mixer channel.
Mix_Chunk * Mix_GetChunk(void Mix_CloseAudio(void); // Close the mixer, halting all playing audio.