SDL Wiki
(This function is part of SDL_ttf, a separate library from SDL.)


Set whether whitespace should be visible when wrapping a text object.

Header File

Defined in <SDL3_ttf/SDL_ttf.h>


bool TTF_SetTextWrapWhitespaceVisible(TTF_Text *text, bool visible);

Function Parameters

TTF_Text * text the TTF_Text to modify.
bool visible true to show whitespace when wrapping text, false to hide it.

Return Value

(bool) Returns true on success or false on failure; call SDL_GetError() for more information.


If the whitespace is visible, it will take up space for purposes of alignment and wrapping. This is good for editing, but looks better when centered or aligned if whitespace around line wrapping is hidden. This defaults false.

Thread Safety

This function should be called on the thread that created the text.


This function is available since SDL_ttf 3.0.0.

See Also

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIFunction

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