SDL Wiki


Get the size of a window's borders (decorations) around the client area.

Header File

Defined in <SDL3/SDL_video.h>


bool SDL_GetWindowBordersSize(SDL_Window *window, int *top, int *left, int *bottom, int *right);

Function Parameters

SDL_Window * window the window to query the size values of the border (decorations) from.
int * top pointer to variable for storing the size of the top border; NULL is permitted.
int * left pointer to variable for storing the size of the left border; NULL is permitted.
int * bottom pointer to variable for storing the size of the bottom border; NULL is permitted.
int * right pointer to variable for storing the size of the right border; NULL is permitted.

Return Value

(bool) Returns true on success or false on failure; call SDL_GetError() for more information.


Note: If this function fails (returns false), the size values will be initialized to 0, 0, 0, 0 (if a non-NULL pointer is provided), as if the window in question was borderless.

Note: This function may fail on systems where the window has not yet been decorated by the display server (for example, immediately after calling SDL_CreateWindow). It is recommended that you wait at least until the window has been presented and composited, so that the window system has a chance to decorate the window and provide the border dimensions to SDL.

This function also returns false if getting the information is not supported.

Thread Safety

This function should only be called on the main thread.


This function is available since SDL 3.2.0.

See Also

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIFunction, CategoryVideo

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