SDL Wiki


Sets the callbacks for defining custom EGLAttrib arrays for EGL initialization.

Header File

Defined in <SDL3/SDL_video.h>


void SDL_EGL_SetAttributeCallbacks(SDL_EGLAttribArrayCallback platformAttribCallback,
                                   SDL_EGLIntArrayCallback surfaceAttribCallback,
                                   SDL_EGLIntArrayCallback contextAttribCallback, void *userdata);

Function Parameters

SDL_EGLAttribArrayCallback platformAttribCallback callback for attributes to pass to eglGetPlatformDisplay. May be NULL.
SDL_EGLIntArrayCallback surfaceAttribCallback callback for attributes to pass to eglCreateSurface. May be NULL.
SDL_EGLIntArrayCallback contextAttribCallback callback for attributes to pass to eglCreateContext. May be NULL.
void * userdata a pointer that is passed to the callbacks.


Callbacks that aren't needed can be set to NULL.

NOTE: These callback pointers will be reset after SDL_GL_ResetAttributes.

Thread Safety

This function should only be called on the main thread.


This function is available since SDL 3.2.0.

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIFunction, CategoryVideo

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