A structure specifying the descriptions of render targets used in a graphics pipeline.
Defined in <SDL3/SDL_gpu.h>
typedef struct SDL_GPUGraphicsPipelineTargetInfo
{const SDL_GPUColorTargetDescription *color_target_descriptions; /**< A pointer to an array of color target descriptions. */
/**< The number of color target descriptions in the above array. */
Uint32 num_color_targets; /**< The pixel format of the depth-stencil target. Ignored if has_depth_stencil_target is false. */
SDL_GPUTextureFormat depth_stencil_format; bool has_depth_stencil_target; /**< true specifies that the pipeline uses a depth-stencil target. */
Uint8 padding1;
Uint8 padding2;
Uint8 padding3; } SDL_GPUGraphicsPipelineTargetInfo;
This struct is available since SDL 3.2.0.