Specifies the primitive topology of a graphics pipeline.
Defined in <SDL3/SDL_gpu.h>
typedef enum SDL_GPUPrimitiveType
{/**< A series of separate triangles. */
SDL_GPU_PRIMITIVETYPE_TRIANGLELIST, /**< A series of connected triangles. */
SDL_GPU_PRIMITIVETYPE_TRIANGLESTRIP, /**< A series of separate lines. */
SDL_GPU_PRIMITIVETYPE_LINELIST, /**< A series of connected lines. */
SDL_GPU_PRIMITIVETYPE_LINESTRIP, /**< A series of separate points. */
If you are using POINTLIST you must include a point size output in the vertex shader.
Note that sized point topology is totally unsupported on D3D12. Any size other than 1 will be ignored. In general, you should avoid using point topology for both compatibility and performance reasons. You WILL regret using it.
This enum is available since SDL 3.2.0.