SDL Wiki


A structure specifying the parameters of the graphics pipeline rasterizer state.

Header File

Defined in <SDL3/SDL_gpu.h>


typedef struct SDL_GPURasterizerState
    SDL_GPUFillMode fill_mode;         /**< Whether polygons will be filled in or drawn as lines. */
    SDL_GPUCullMode cull_mode;         /**< The facing direction in which triangles will be culled. */
    SDL_GPUFrontFace front_face;       /**< The vertex winding that will cause a triangle to be determined as front-facing. */
    float depth_bias_constant_factor;  /**< A scalar factor controlling the depth value added to each fragment. */
    float depth_bias_clamp;            /**< The maximum depth bias of a fragment. */
    float depth_bias_slope_factor;     /**< A scalar factor applied to a fragment's slope in depth calculations. */
    bool enable_depth_bias;        /**< true to bias fragment depth values. */
    bool enable_depth_clip;        /**< true to enable depth clip, false to enable depth clamp. */
    Uint8 padding1;
    Uint8 padding2;
} SDL_GPURasterizerState;


NOTE: Some backend APIs (D3D11/12) will enable depth clamping even if enable_depth_clip is true. If you rely on this clamp+clip behavior, consider enabling depth clip and then manually clamping depth in your fragment shaders on Metal and Vulkan.


This struct is available since SDL 3.2.0.

See Also

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIStruct, CategoryGPU

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