SDL Wiki


Insert a tray entry at a given position.

Header File

Defined in <SDL3/SDL_tray.h>


SDL_TrayEntry * SDL_InsertTrayEntryAt(SDL_TrayMenu *menu, int pos, const char *label, SDL_TrayEntryFlags flags);

Function Parameters

SDL_TrayMenu * menu the menu to append the entry to.
int pos the desired position for the new entry. Entries at or following this place will be moved. If pos is -1, the entry is appended.
const char * label the text to be displayed on the entry, in UTF-8 encoding, or NULL for a separator.
SDL_TrayEntryFlags flags a combination of flags, some of which are mandatory.

Return Value

(SDL_TrayEntry *) Returns the newly created entry, or NULL if pos is out of bounds.


If label is NULL, the entry will be a separator. Many functions won't work for an entry that is a separator.

An entry does not need to be destroyed; it will be destroyed with the tray.

Thread Safety

This function should be called on the thread that created the tray.


This function is available since SDL 3.2.0.

See Also

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIFunction, CategoryTray

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