SDL Wiki


Flags that control the creation of system tray entries.

Header File

Defined in <SDL3/SDL_tray.h>


typedef Uint32 SDL_TrayEntryFlags;

#define SDL_TRAYENTRY_BUTTON      0x00000001u /**< Make the entry a simple button. Required. */
#define SDL_TRAYENTRY_CHECKBOX    0x00000002u /**< Make the entry a checkbox. Required. */
#define SDL_TRAYENTRY_SUBMENU     0x00000004u /**< Prepare the entry to have a submenu. Required */
#define SDL_TRAYENTRY_DISABLED    0x80000000u /**< Make the entry disabled. Optional. */
#define SDL_TRAYENTRY_CHECKED     0x40000000u /**< Make the entry checked. This is valid only for checkboxes. Optional. */


Some of these flags are required; exactly one of them must be specified at the time a tray entry is created. Other flags are optional; zero or more of those can be OR'ed together with the required flag.


This datatype is available since SDL 3.2.0.

See Also

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIDatatype, CategoryTray

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