SDL Wiki


Sets the label of an entry.

Header File

Defined in <SDL3/SDL_tray.h>


void SDL_SetTrayEntryLabel(SDL_TrayEntry *entry, const char *label);

Function Parameters

SDL_TrayEntry * entry the entry to be updated.
const char * label the new label for the entry in UTF-8 encoding.


An entry cannot change between a separator and an ordinary entry; that is, it is not possible to set a non-NULL label on an entry that has a NULL label (separators), or to set a NULL label to an entry that has a non-NULL label. The function will silently fail if that happens.

Thread Safety

This function should be called on the thread that created the tray.


This function is available since SDL 3.2.0.

See Also

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIFunction, CategoryTray

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