SDL2 Wiki


Perform a fast fill of a set of rectangles with a specific color.

Header File

Defined in SDL_surface.h


int SDL_FillRects
    (SDL_Surface * dst, const SDL_Rect * rects, int count, Uint32 color);

Function Parameters

SDL_Surface * dst the SDL_Surface structure that is the drawing target.
const SDL_Rect * rects an array of SDL_Rect representing the rectangles to fill.
int count the number of rectangles in the array.
Uint32 color the color to fill with.

Return Value

(int) Returns 0 on success or a negative error code on failure; call SDL_GetError() for more information.


color should be a pixel of the format used by the surface, and can be generated by SDL_MapRGB() or SDL_MapRGBA(). If the color value contains an alpha component then the destination is simply filled with that alpha information, no blending takes place.

If there is a clip rectangle set on the destination (set via SDL_SetClipRect()), then this function will fill based on the intersection of the clip rectangle and rect.


This function is available since SDL 2.0.0.

See Also

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIFunction, CategorySurface

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