SDL2 Wiki

(See SDL3/SDL_GetKeyboardState for the SDL3 version.)


Get a snapshot of the current state of the keyboard.

Header File

Defined in SDL_keyboard.h


const Uint8* SDL_GetKeyboardState(int *numkeys);

Function Parameters

int * numkeys if non-NULL, receives the length of the returned array.

Return Value

(const Uint8 *) Returns a pointer to an array of key states.


The pointer returned is a pointer to an internal SDL array. It will be valid for the whole lifetime of the application and should not be freed by the caller.

A array element with a value of 1 means that the key is pressed and a value of 0 means that it is not. Indexes into this array are obtained by using SDL_Scancode values.

Use SDL_PumpEvents() to update the state array.

This function gives you the current state after all events have been processed, so if a key or button has been pressed and released before you process events, then the pressed state will never show up in the SDL_GetKeyboardState() calls.

Note: This function doesn't take into account whether shift has been pressed or not.


This function is available since SDL 2.0.0.

See Also

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIFunction, CategoryKeyboard

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