SDL2 Wiki


Calculate the intersection of two rectangles with float precision.

Header File

Defined in SDL_rect.h


SDL_bool SDL_IntersectFRect(const SDL_FRect * A,
                            const SDL_FRect * B,
                            SDL_FRect * result);

Function Parameters

const SDL_FRect * A an SDL_FRect structure representing the first rectangle.
const SDL_FRect * B an SDL_FRect structure representing the second rectangle.
SDL_FRect * result an SDL_FRect structure filled in with the intersection of rectangles A and B.

Return Value

(SDL_bool) Returns SDL_TRUE if there is an intersection, SDL_FALSE otherwise.


If result is NULL then this function will return SDL_FALSE.


This function is available since SDL 2.0.22.

See Also

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIFunction, CategoryRect

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