SDL2 Wiki


Seek within an SDL_RWops data stream.

Header File

Defined in SDL_rwops.h


Sint64 SDL_RWseek(SDL_RWops *context,
                  Sint64 offset, int whence);

Function Parameters

SDL_RWops * context a pointer to an SDL_RWops structure.
Sint64 offset an offset in bytes, relative to whence location; can be negative.
int whence any of RW_SEEK_SET, RW_SEEK_CUR, RW_SEEK_END.

Return Value

(Sint64) Returns the final offset in the data stream after the seek or -1 on error.


This function seeks to byte offset, relative to whence.

whence may be any of the following values:

If this stream can not seek, it will return -1.

SDL_RWseek() is actually a wrapper function that calls the SDL_RWops's seek method appropriately, to simplify application development.

Prior to SDL 2.0.10, this function was a macro.


This function is available since SDL 2.0.10.

See Also

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIFunction, CategoryRWOPS

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