SDL2 Wiki


Get the Metal command encoder for the current frame

Header File

Defined in SDL_render.h


void* SDL_RenderGetMetalCommandEncoder(SDL_Renderer * renderer);

Function Parameters

SDL_Renderer * renderer The renderer to query.

Return Value

(void *) Returns an id<MTLRenderCommandEncoder> on success, or NULL if the renderer isn't a Metal renderer or there was an error.


This function returns void *, so SDL doesn't have to include Metal's headers, but it can be safely cast to an id<MTLRenderCommandEncoder>.

Note that as of SDL 2.0.18, this will return NULL if Metal refuses to give SDL a drawable to render to, which might happen if the window is hidden/minimized/offscreen. This doesn't apply to command encoders for render targets, just the window's backbuffer. Check your return values!


This function is available since SDL 2.0.8.

See Also

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIFunction, CategoryRender

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